Saturday 15 November 2014

Rose Cookies / Achu Murukku

Rose cooky is a famous South Indian snack made during  festivals. It is known as Achu Murukku in Tamil and Malayalam and Gulabi Puvullu in Telugu. It has a very pretty flower shape.
I have some pleasant childhood memories of my grandmother making these rose cookies during Christmas. Myself and my cousins used to enjoy putting the petals of the rose cookies in our fingers as rings and snacking on it.
To make these murukkus, you need the achu (rose cookie mould). Making these murukkus may be a little tricky at first. With little tips, tricks and practice it is very simple to make.
In my place, we always add egg while making this. However, you can make rose cookies without eggs too. I have mentioned in notes below.
Make and enjoy this tasty snack with your loved ones.


  • Rice powder - 1 cup
  • Maida or All Purpose Flour- 1/4 cup
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Coconut Milk - 1/2 cup (+ 1 or 2 tbsp if needed)
  • Egg - 1  (NOTE: If you want to make it egg less, then ignore egg add little extra coconut milk while making the batter.)
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Oil - for deep frying


  • Apply oil on the achu murukku mould and let it rest for one or two days. This will help in making the murukkus easily.


  1. I usually take all the above ingredients in the biggest jar or the mixie or a blender and blend for few minutes to get a smooth thick batter. You can also mix with just a ladle or hand mixer.
  2. Remove it into a bowl. Mix in 1 tsp of sesame seeds - black or white, with the batter.(The batter should have the consistency of dosa batter. If it is thicker, the murukkus won't be crispy. If it is thinner, the batter won't stick to the mould. )
  3. Heat oil in a wide kadai. Leave the murukku mould inside the oil. Only if it hot enough, the batter will stick to it.
  4. When the mould has become hot, dip it carefully inside the  batter such that only 80% of the mould is covered with batter. This is important so that the murukku easily comes off the mould.
  5. Gently hold the mould inside the hot oil. You will see the oil bubbling.
  6. After few seconds, shake the mould handle gently to release the achu murukku into the oil. You can also use a fork to help release the murukku.
  7. Let it fry in medium heat till the bubbling of the oil subsides.
  8. Turn the murukkus half way so that both sides have an even golden brown color.
  1. In the meantime, leave the mould in the hot oil so that it is ready for the next murukku.

Variation (Method 2 - Making murukku batter with raw rice)

  • Raw rice - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Maida - 2-3 tbsp
  • Grated Coconut - 1/4 cup
  • Egg - 1
  • Water - 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup
Wash and soak the raw rice in the exact measure of water for 1-2 hours. Grind it to a smooth batter with the other ingredients. Make the murukkus as above.


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